Last week, we examined the words, conversations, conducts and associations of the perverse generation; and were counselled not to “play the fool”, hanging-out with the congregation of evil doers. This week, we shall continue by examining the dress styles and worldviews of this generation.
Dressing is a subtle outlet through which perversion manifests. Dress culture in the contemporary world is not only subtle; it is wild and ravaging, with a sweeping influence on the youths. Even the Christendom is not spared as such attire is now common among “believers in Christ”. This trend has generated unnecessary and heated argument among users, producers/agents and critics of indecent dressing. It is a clash of interests, ideologies and theologies. The Bible describes the dress culture of a perverse generation as the “attire of harlots” (Prov. 7:10). Such dress styles are provocative, immodest, flamboyant, loose, transparent and flaunting, with cleavages and breasts bare. Many youths, irrespective of gender, age, education and religion, are now controlled by the spirit of whoredom. Girls dress to set off their beauty, painted like Jezebel; while boys sag their trousers and pierce their ears to align with the fashion trend. It is now fashionable to dress in trashes! The social media have provided untold opportunities to display and embrace wantonness in dressing. Thus, the highpoint of decadence in contemporary dress culture is the increasing number of crossdressers and fashion influencers spread across the social media. Friends, your dress and dress culture speak volume about your personality, ideologies, and spirituality. These determine how you dress and why you dress the way you do? You are expected to dress respectfully, decently, modestly, beautifully, and neatly. As humans grow and continue in time and space, their ideas and worldviews evolve along with them. “Ideas rule the world” is a popular maxim. It underscores the power of ideas and visions as the basis for people’s manner of conversations, conducts, associations, and dressing, among others. Vision is propelled by ideas. People however succeed or fail in achieving their dreams and goals in life, based on their convictions and worldviews. The kind of ideology people live by is an indication of their allegiance and approval, and this often shape everything that circulates around them. The world system, as it is today, is a product of ideologies and worldviews of people whose understanding of God, humanity and religion is twisted and reprobate (1 Joh 2:15-17).
This generation is not only perverse, but steeped in falsehood, seducing spirits, doctrines of devils, hypocrisy, blasphemies and seared conscience, among others (1 Tim 4:1-2). These carriers and peddlers of perverted worldviews often oppose the truth “and changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator” (Rom. 1:25). (To be contd.)