It is a fact that you cannot continue doing something the same way and expect a different result. Thus, when change is introduced, it is an attempt to get a different and of course a better result. Worthy of mention that no change occurs of its own accord. Coming with any new wave or innovation are the agents behind it. They propagate the novel initiatives that bring progress beyond the old system.
Unarguably, change is one major issue that even the best of men finds difficult adjusting to. This is because the concept of change aligns with the synonym of transformation. In other words, it is usually a shift from the norm. Agreeably, the old way would always be admired until a new and better way is proven. Just like the experience in ancient times, our world today is also going through series of change in many areas. Some of these changes occur in commerce, politics, religion, education, etc., and even our values. It is of utmost importance to state, at this juncture, that change is good only when it drives us towards development and not when it erodes our value system. The world today is facing a massive erosion of godly values and principles. We are at the point where honouring and obeying God’s word tags one as being too religious or dogmatic by many, even in the church. Many are afraid of affirming their allegiance to God because of fear of scorners. Our world is now celebrating anomaly as the new normal, while the right and godly values are appearing archaic.
At different times in the history of the Israelites, the Bible chronicles several examples of changes and their agents. There were those who deviated from God’s instituted order, while there were others who went back to God’s instruction after long time of disobedience. Every peculiar time calls for peculiar people who choose to stand for their convictions. The major hallmark of change agents is their unflinching resolution to stand alone, even when others bow to the ‘idols of Nebuchadnezzar’. Change agents stand out from the crowd of Godless generation. Their choice to be different becomes an attention that others emulate. The strong determination of the three Hebrew men in the scripture gives us the picture of men who decided to pay the price for choosing differently in a perverse world. “But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up” (Daniel 3:18).
Change agents give their all to the course they believe in. Interestingly, only change agents make landmarks that are remarkably remembered and not those who just followed the trend. Thus, like Moses asked the children of Israel in the wilderness, “whose side are you? For God or against God?” Our generation is experiencing a season that requires men of conviction and tenacity. This is a call for you to arise as a change agent! (To be contd.) Happy New Month!