Man in his natural state cannot please God as
he is unholy and controlled by the old nature.
“Everyone who is called by My name,
whom I have created for My glory…”
(Isaiah 43:7). Originally, man before the fall
was created to radiate and manifest the glory
of God. Thus, everyone was born into pro-self
world where every man is a ready-made
transgressor. Only the man who has
experienced the crucifixion of the old life can
present himself to God as a living sacrifice.
Radiating God's glory requires breaking up of
some fallow grounds in one's life.
In the field of Agricultural Science, fallow
ground refers to an uncultivated, unploughed
and unproductive land. Spiritually speaking,
it symbolizes an unbroken, unregenerated and
unrepentant heart condition. The heart of such
person is 'seared' with hot iron through sin and
sinful habits. Many believers are no longer in
tune with the signals of the Holy Spirit, but
rather yielding to the dictates of the flesh. The
presence of fallow ground is a cogent reason
for the present deplorable state of the church
all over the world. We cover the earth like
clouds without rain, promising so much but
delivering so little. This is a major
contributing factor to the loss of God's glory
among His people. Certain unhealthy
characters constitute fallow ground among
the Christians. Let me briefly mention a few.
Prayerlessness- the greatest tragedy of life is
not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer!
Unforgiving spirit - forgiveness is the
antidote for resentment and hatred. It is the
power that breaks the chains of bitterness and
shackles of selfishness. Keeping grudges -
the biggest load you can ever carry is a pack of
grudges. Filthy talks - your declaration
determines your destination. When you lose
control over your tongue, you lose control
over your life. Sin and pride – sin is a
dangerous sinker and pride is like a caterpillar
that pulls the proud down. You need to break
up that fallow ground in your life!
Where fallow ground exists in a man's life, the
glory of God is buried and the divine
resources loaded into such life cannot really
come to manifestation. Breaking up the
fallow ground in your life means
dethronement of self and enthronement of
Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. It
is time to locate and break up the fallow
grounds in your life so that you can radiate
God's glory. Taking it for granted will lead to
being grounded. God bless you real good.