In the ancient times, an arrow was often used as a weapon of attack. The arrow is usually made of metallic or strong wooden material. In the biblical time, it was both a weapon for defence and offensive exploits. A notable characteristic of any potent arrow is its degree or level of sharpness. A blunt arrow cannot fulfill its purpose, and this amounts to waste of resources.
The role of children not only in defending and fighting for their parents in their old age, but also in expanding the frontiers of the church cannot be overemphasised. The Psalmist figuratively likened the importance of children to arrows in the hand of a mighty man. *“Lo, children are heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth”* (Psalms 127:3-4). Children are divine and wonderful gifts to families, the church, societies and the world at large. They are God’s heritage who must be treasured and nurtured to fulfil their destinies and potentials. Children are rewards and blessings from God, as a means of replenishing the earth. However, God does not just want parents to continue to have children who they will not be able to care for! He wants them to take full responsibilities in sharpening and shaping the future of their children.
Parents must know certain facts about their children, and relate with them as such. First, each child is unique, and requires adequate understanding of his or her peculiarities. Stop comparing your child with another person’s child, or even comparing your children among themselves. Second, concentrate more on the strengths of your child, while you correct his or her weaknesses in love. Third, no matter what, mind your pronouncements on your children; especially when they provoke you. Words are like seeds which when sown germinate, grow into maturity, and await harvest. Remember that words are very powerful! Speak words of grace to your children and bless them at all times. Fourth, always do that which is of virtue and Godliness in the presence of your children. Your words and actions must match; they are watching you very closely, and tend to be confused when there is a mismatch. Lastly, a good way to sharpen your children as arrows is to train them in the way of the Lord. Teach them the word of God, prayers, fasting, personal devotion and commitment to God. If you are trusting God for the fruit of the womb, He will answer you speedily in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. You will share your testimonies soon!
Friend, it is not late for you to begin to sharpen your own arrow too. Be identified with God and develop personal intimacy with Him. God bless you. Happy Children’s Day celebrations! *PEACE*