The Spiritual Armour

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

The Spiritual Armour

An armour is a special metal clothing that soldiers wore in the past to protect their bodies on the battle field. The contemporary wars and battles are fought with weaponry, tactics and strategies for guaranteed victory. The military will want to fight their enemies with the latest sophisticated weapons. Usually, they gather intelligence about the weaponry of their enemies. Similarly, the believers have been called to fight spiritual battle with their arch enemy, the devil.

The truth is that no matter how many times we win, Satan always returns to fight another day! Therefore, there is need for us to be constantly equipped with the spiritual armour for our victory to be sure. In 2 Corinthians 10:4, Apostle Paul described the arsenic nature of the weapons in our possession. *“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.”* Although, the believers’ weapons are not seen but are potent enough to bring down the garrison of the enemies. The story of young David versus Goliath readily comes to mind (1Samuel 17). Saul, being a warlord, knew the implication of fighting the experienced giant without any protection. Thus, he had to clothe David with his full armour - bronze helmet and coat of mail. When David could not walk in the armour, he had to remove it claiming he had neither tested nor used it. But one thing happened, David remembered what he had tested before. He recollected the testimony he had as a shepherd when he killed a bear and a lion with his bare hands. In his words, he said *“… and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God”* (1Samuel 17:36). Friend, do you have a testimony of deliverance from the enemy? During the test of life, have you tested the spiritual armour at your disposal? In life, there is no testimony without a test! Testimony emboldens, encourages and energizes your confidence in God’s ability to surmount every power of oppression surrounding you. David drew near Goliath with unconventional weapons; a staff, five stones he picked at the battle field and a sling. The giant fell by just a stone from David’s sling, divinely directed to his forehead. When God fights your battle, victory is more than sure!

You must realize that life is a continuous battle field and the battles of life are not fought with physical stamina, strength or ability. Any child of God who does not want to become a casualty in the field of battle must put to use the spiritual armour. With consistent and constant use of your armoury, victory is guaranteed. *(To be contd.)*. God bless you.

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