Last week, we explained the meaning of impact with specific emphasis on discovering, understanding and fulfilling purpose. It was mentioned that a purposeful life is an impactful life; thus, you must stand for a worthwhile course. Going forward in this series, we shall be looking at copious examples of the Bible characters who impacted the world during their lifetimes. How did they make landmark achievements that became reference points till date? I choose to call them heroes because they came, they saw and they conquered.
The first hero was, Joseph, the second to the last of Jacob’s children. Right from his teen years, he had dreams of greatness but he was oblivious of the level of impact he would have on national leadership. He was growing up in the midst of his envious and mischievous brothers who wanted to ensure that his dreams did not see the light of the day. One important lesson to learn from the journey of Joseph is the fear of God. Consider his response when Mrs. Portiphar wanted him to sleep with her at all cost: “... how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). Joseph regarded the act as sin against God, not even against his master who entrusted virtually everything into his hands. You will quite agree with me that a lot of worldly vices and perversions today are caused by lack of fear of God. Friend, do you fear and honour God? The fear of God I am talking about does not have to do with shaking or shivering while in God’s presence. I mean hallowing the name of God in holy reverence anytime and anywhere you are. In the past, believers feared God while in His presence but nowadays, many Christians do what they like in the church. May the Lord deliver the present-day church from addictions to social media and other forms of distractions. Similarly, Joseph was highly disciplined, focused and had self-control. He did not mortgage or massacre his destiny on the altar of iniquity. He delayed the gratification and never permitted the adulterous Mrs. Portiphar to truncate the divine plan for his life. Considering the impact made by Joseph upon the Egyptian political landscape, it is worth learning from him.
The only way that leads to God is Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of the world. You cannot fear God that you neither know nor have an intimate relationship with. You need to either accept Him as your Lord and Saviour or rededicate your life unto Him today. (To be contd.) PEACE.