Before You Give...

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

Before You Give...

The Bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive! Giving is not only good but it is a biblical requirement, and it comes in different shades. For instance, you can give your money, clothes, shoes, time, help, attention etc., to man. You can also give your treasure to support the expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth. As a Christian, a worthy and cherished substance you can give to God is your worship and service. Let me ask you this pertinent question: what is the condition of your heart when you come before God to worship or for service?

If anyone worships God with great zeal, passion and commitment, but yet harbours anger, hatred, malice and resentment; his or her worship or service is worthless. It is more desirable to have a righteous heart, having right standing with God and man, than to perform mere outward act of worship. Jesus Christ Himself said that a time is coming when people will worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:23). For certain reasons, offences are inevitable in human relationships. The Bible says “Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath” (Ephesians 4:26). Thus, when offences come, learn how to handle them; forbear, forgo, forgive and forget your brother or sister’s wrong doing. Remember the response Jesus gave to Peter’s question on how often forgiveness should be in Matthew 13:21-22 “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven” Friend, if there is a misunderstanding between you and someone; please, forgive him or her for Christ’s sake. If there is a score to settle with somebody but you desire to offer any gift unto the Lord; fix your relationship with him or her first. Christ’s exhortation to you is that you should first be reconciled with your brother and then come and offer your gift (Matt. 5:23-24). For your service or worship to be reasonable and acceptable to God; your life must be devoid of grudges against anyone. The process of reconciliation should start with you, by going to the person who has offended you. Although, it may somehow sound absurd and too true to believe; but that is the Master’s instruction.

It takes a broken and humbled heart to ask for pardon and make restitution, but God actually accepts offerings coming from such heart. There are many unanswered prayers due to unforgiveness. Don’t build a wall between you and your requests before God! Handling offences in a biblical way will also help you to enjoy the fellowship with the brethren. God bless you richly! Welcome to the second half of the year 2021. Happy New Month! SHALOM.

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