Today, we shall be concluding our series on Streetwise Apostles. We have already discussed 4 out of the 7 “highways of life” where they represent God. From our passage in the book of Revelations 5:12 “Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing”, I explained that power is about politics, riches signify economy, wisdom symbolizes education while strength refers to science and technology.
The fifth is HONOUR which refers to sports and entertainment. This is a veritable avenue for perversion in this generation. This highway is a crowd puller and has controlling influence on both the young and old alike. Someone once noted that if God cannot be found in sports, then, he cannot be found in the modern world! It is a platform for quick fame and fortune and God is seeking for those that will put Him on display in this arena. In Nigeria, Rev. Chris Okotie is standing on this highway. Pastor Taribo West is another example. He was reputed for using his church in Milan, Italy to assist homeless immigrants and prostitutes in a bid to win them for Christ. The sixth is GLORY which is the highway of religion. Every human has vacuum in his heart which cannot be filled by terrestrial or existential endeavours. This has led to the search for God both known and unknown as Paul noted in Acts 17:22-23. God needs those who will stand on the Mars’ hill of life and declare the true God to the superstitious world.
The seventh is BLESSING which refers to the family. “Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created” (Gen. 5:2). The first blessing of God to humanity is placed in the family, hence, the devil tries to fight His counsel by destroying families. Many are successful in career, ministry, politics, etc., but turn up as a colossal failure at home. Examples abound both in the Bible and our contemporary world. It is an irony, that it appears easier to be successful on other platforms of life than in the home! Friend, God wants ALL of us to be Apostles establishing His will in our homes. How effective are we as PRIESTS of our families?
As I bring this series to a close, let us rise up to the challenge of being a Streetwise Apostle. This is a calling for ALL of us. May we not fail Him. Shalom. Concluded.