In this series which started two weeks ago, we
have discussed about having an in-depth and
experiential knowledge of God and His word.
Another point of discussion is the mountain
top experience as reflected in one's prayer life
and heart disposition to the things of God. The
preconditions to having the mountain top
experience were also mentioned. The series is
being concluded today as we consider other
means by which God reveals Himself to us.
First, through dream and vision – From time
immemorial, God has been revealing Himself
to man in dreams and visions. Nevertheless, it
takes an understanding heart and divine
interpretation to decode the meaning. “Then
it happened, when I, Daniel, had seen the
vision and was seeking the meaning, that
suddenly there stood before me one having
the appearance of a man.” (Daniel 8:15).
Dreams and visions may originate from the
devil or at times may be situational.
Therefore, you must be sure that God is the
source of your dream or vision. Beware, so
that it does not come from the “multitude of
business”! Second, by the voice of God – It is
precious and unique to hear God speak. God
can give His children the privilege of hearing
Him audibly in order to make Himself known
to them through His voice. Acopious example
is the call of the young Samuel who later
became prophet of the living God (1Samuel
3). Nevertheless, it takes spiritual sensitivity
to perceive and hear God when He speaks.
Although, the sensitivity is developed over
time but you must be able to distinguish God's
voice from man's or Satan's voice. God's voice
comes with an assurance of peace as you
develop quietness and listening ear. Third,
through trials and tribulations – To some
people, it takes trials and tribulations for them
to draw near to God and understand Him. God
permits trails to refine, trim, sharpen and draw
us nearer to Him. I mean for us to know God
and His ways; it may require divine
God has numerous ways by which He reveals
Himself to us and thus cannot be limited to
one. However, it must be said that your
attitude determines how much of God you can
know. If you seek to know God, you must
have teachable spirit, make Him your priority
and spend quality time with Him. God bless
you (Concluded). SHALOM.