If You Believe

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

If You Believe

Life does not give you what you deserve, you receive what you believe! A lot of people grumble and complain of how life seems to be unfair to them. The fact is that the things which are seen in the physical were birthed and called out of the spiritual. Every child of God must understand that asking and receiving from God requires believing in His ability and capacity to do it. The word ‘believe’ can be used interchangeably with faith.

Jesus Christ made the pronouncement to Martha in the book of John 11:40 *“Jesus said to her, did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?”* Seeing the glory of God means experiencing the presence and power of the Almighty. The Master must have been prompted to make the above statement, based on the unbelief of Martha who was bothered by the stench already oozing from the grave of Lazarus. She reminded Jesus, albeit hopelessly, that his lifeless body had been laid in the cave for good four days. When hope seems to be lost, don’t throw away your faith. Believe that God has the final say over your life and whatever situation you may be passing through. The woman with the issue of blood trusted and believed that if she might just touch the hem of Jesus’ garment, she would be made whole; and so the sickness of twelve years disappeared. It does not matter how long you have been faced with that particular issue. If you can just believe God, you will see His glory. Jesus also told the father of the son having a mute spirit- *“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes”* (Mark 9:23). There is no mountain insurmountable, if you can believe! The father of the mute son eventually asked Jesus to help his unbelief and he got healing for his son. Believe or faith is not by confession but by manifestation in action. God is always willing to demonstrate His power through His children who believe in Him. The devil always attacks the faith of God’s children to weary and discourage them. Beloved, cast away every doubt and fear in your heart, and grow your faith to the level of moving the mountains. To grow in faith; meditate on the word of God, pray in the Spirit and build intimacy with God.

Friend, you have limitless access to the heavenly abundant resources, as you stay connected with God by faith. If you are yet to be saved, you *have to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead* (Romans 10:9). God bless you.

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