Be with him Always

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

Be with him Always

Welcome to the first day and first Sunday of the year 2023. I congratulate you and your family for making it to yet another year. It is by act of divine providence that you and I are alive to witness the New Year! As we crossed over to this New Year 2023, we shall take over our territories hitherto occupied by the enemies in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Beloved, I will like you to know that every year is a journey replete with opportunities and challenges.

The Bible says “The end of a thing is better than its beginning” (Eccl. 7:8). I pray you will end the journey of this year well in Jesus name. The guarantee to answering that prayer is to be with God every moment of this New Year. There is no best place to be, other than the presence of the Most High God. All the biblical patriarchs and heroes enjoyed the dividends of being with God. Moses always desired God’s presence more than anything else, as a leader over Israel. Little wonder, he was yet crosschecking with God despite His earlier assurance of His presence with the Israelites. “And He said, My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Then he said to Him, if Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here” (Exo. 33:14-15). When you are in God’s presence always, you command His attention and commitment to your course. The presence of God with you is a sure defence against every form of attack of the enemies. God’s presence brings you into divine favour and makes you a recipient of supernatural mercy. Beloved, the presence of God is everywhere; that is why He is called ‘omnipresent’. God’s presence is not limited to church or any gathering of His children in a place. If you can cultivate the attitude of being with Him always, His presence will be with you everywhere you go. No doubt, we are in a world of many attractions and distractions, but I charge you to be focused on God. Anywhere you are, create a micro climate for God’s presence! This year, don’t be part of any association that does not have inclination with God. King David was always happy to be in God’s presence. He remarked in Psalms 122:1 “I was glad when they said to me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Desire to be with God, be glad and cheerful in His presence this new year.

Friend, if you want to conquer the ‘goliaths’ and possess the lands of kings this year, you need to be with God always. To create an atmosphere for His presence, you need to meditate on His words, be obedient to Him, live in holiness, walk with Him by faith, and be prayerful. I wish all members of Cedar, home and abroad, a Happy New Year. God be with you now and always. SHALOM

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