In our day-to-day activities, we cannot but ‘ask’ for certain things in life. For the purpose of this piece under discuss, I chose to contextualize ‘ASK’ as an acronym which means Ask, Seek and Knock. You ask when you are making request, you seek when you are looking for something and you knock when you want to access somewhere. However, it must be noted that ‘ask’ is a spiritual principle which must be understood by every believer. May God grant us the understanding in Jesus mighty name.
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8). Asking, seeking or knocking looks so simple; but it requires following certain biblical guidelines. Many people think God is insensitive to their prayer requests. As a child of God, you must ask in accordance to the will of God. If your request is not in tandem with God’s will, you cannot receive a positive answer. Such a person is asking amiss, and cannot receive a ‘Yes’ from God (1John 3:22; James 4:2-3). In addition, to receive from God, you must ask by faith and wait with patience. “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive” (Matthew 21:22). A lot of prayers remain unanswered because of unbelief or impatience. Do you pray by faith or you are just praying out of religious rites? In the place of prayer, you must have a great expectation! Apart from asking by faith and according to God’s will, you must know what to seek primarily. Several people are seeking for wealth, fame, power, position, etc., leaving out the real deal. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (John 6:33). Are you not seeking after the mundane things at the expense of your eternity? Don’t put the cart before the horse! Be a kingdom seeker and a lover of righteousness; and everything you desire will be yours. Knocking the spiritual door for opening should not be seen as an easy task. The kind of doors referred to as ‘everlasting doors’ in Psalms 24:7, require some spiritual doggedness and tenacity to open. It takes consistent and persistent knocking for such doors to open. Every door to your success shall be opened to you in 2023 in Jesus name. Continue to knock!
Friend, the name of Jesus Christ is the passcode to asking, seeking and knocking. It is the name that is given above every other name, in heaven, on earth or underneath the earth. Are you identified with that name? This is another chance to accept His Lordship and enjoy His freebies. Shalom.