Strength simply means the power of influence or ability for resistance. There are different kinds of strength: physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, technological, military, etc. Everybody needs the physical strength to do daily activities. The physical strength is derived from the food we eat while the spiritual strength comes from God. However, I must say the spiritual strength transcends the physical strength!
Elijah was running away from the threat of Jezebel, despite his exploit of killing four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal in one day. He was exhausted of his strength when he ran for his dear life into the wilderness on a day’s journey. Elijah, the prophet of fire, was resting under a juniper tree when he was awakened by an angel of God. He was fed with the spiritual meal; his strength was rejuvenated, and he continued in that strength for forty days and forty nights. *“And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God”* (1Kgs. 19:8). In addition to giving Elijah supernatural strength, the spiritual meal also brought him to Bethel – a place of divine revelation, encounter, and manifestation.
Many people cannot play with their bellies, so they only feed their bodies with all the cuisines and delicacies of this world. Conversely, they are less concerned or outrightly disinterested in feeding their spirit being with spiritual meals. How can you grow your spiritual muscle, tenacity, and stamina to withstand the attacks of the devil? First, the word of God offers balanced spiritual meal that gives strength to overcome the vicissitudes of life. Apart from correcting, instructing, rebuking, etc., the word of God empowers the believers. The devil could not cope with the firepower of God’s word when he came tempting Jesus Christ. Second, prayer is a very potent source of spiritual strength to pull down the strongholds of the enemies. The scripture says that *the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much* (James 5:16). Third, the Holy Spirit empowers us with the strength from above. The Apostles could not do many exploits until the promised Holy Spirit came upon them. The Holy Spirit strengthens and energizes us as we allow Him to work through us.
Beloved, are you spiritually weak and feeble? You need to connect with God, the source of divine strength. Accept the Lordship of His dear Son, Jesus Christ, and get access to the strength from above. God bless you real good. *SHALOM*