Walking and following in the steps of Jesus Christ is a practical process of discipleship. Discipleship is a process of becoming like Jesus, and you cannot be like Him until you follow Him. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said *“Follow me and I will make you fishers of men”*. If you want to be made by Jesus Christ, it is very imperative to follow in His steps.
The call to follow in His steps is a divine challenge, and God’s expectation for every Christian in the journey of faith. In other words, every child of God has been called and invited to the school of discipleship. *“For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow in His steps”* (1Pet. 2:21). According to Apostle Peter, Jesus Christ is the ideal pattern in whose steps we should follow. There were patriarchs and matriarchs of faith who submitted themselves to followership in their sojourn on earth. Abraham followed God to the point of yielding to His express instruction of leaving the known for the unknown. God told him to leave his native land, Haran, for the land He was going to show him, and he obeyed without querying God. Elisha followed Elijah, till he received the double portion of his anointing, and he became so powerful like him. The sons of the prophet even attested to this at Jericho when they said: *“… The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him”* (2Kgs. 2:15).
Ruth followed Naomi, her mother-in-law, despite the fact that her husband had died in the land of Moab. No doubt, passing through the tutelage and training of Naomi, Ruth was guided to make the right choice of husband. The biblical history is not complete without the mention of Boaz, Ruth’s husband, in the lineage of our Lord Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul remarked that we should follow him like he followed Jesus Christ. *“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ”* (1Cor. 11:1). This is a clear indication that Paul was following in the steps of Christ, and he was calling on all believers to follow suit. Following Christ comes at a cost which a prospective disciple must be willing and ready to pay. Paul was beaten thrice with rod, once stoned, thrice suffered shipwreck, and in the deep night and day, as detailed in 2 Cor. 11:23-27, yet he followed Christ.
Friend, the truth is that there are plethora of attractions and many distractions on the path of following in the steps of Jesus Christ. It takes strong decision and determination to follow Him. Decide to know Him today, and walk and follow in His steps! God bless you real good. *SHALOM*