In business parlance, cost is defined as an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something. A very close synonym to the word ‘cost’ is price. Jesus Christ asked a rhetorical question in Luke 14:28- *“For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?”* This passage underscores the importance of planning, preparation and adequate use of resources.
However, cost could also be explained in a non-monetary term.
In the earlier chapter of the book of Luke, Jesus remarked on the conditions attached to being His disciple. *“Then He said to them all, if anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me”* (Lk. 9:23). Therefore, in the context of the current topic, counting the cost means taking cognizance of the requirements for becoming Jesus’ disciple. A cursory look at the above scripture reveals a pre-condition to enlisting as a disciple of Jesus Christ. This means that anyone who will come after Jesus as a disciple must be intentional. Therefore, discipleship is not either by compulsion or cohesion. You must be willing and ready to be a disciple of Jesus. The phrase … *come after Me* …, depicts the pattern of Jesus model of discipleship. He takes the lead, and you follow in His steps; moving, eating, living and sleeping together. The two major conditions and requirements to following Jesus are daily *self-denial* and *cross-bearing*. Until a desiring Christian is prepared to meet these two conditions, he or she cannot become a disciple of Jesus Christ. To deny self is to mortify flesh and its activities! It is not counting yourself as highly important, it is to be of low esteem; like Jesus Christ who humbled Himself to the point of death on the Cross. Your life must be devoid of pride and arrogance, if you want to be Jesus’ disciple. In addition, self-denial is not agreeing or yielding to the dictates and demands of the flesh. You must rather be open to the Holy Spirit! The second cost to be counted is bearing the Cross of Christ. What does the Cross of Christ symbolize? In the Bible times, the cross is an object of shame, ridicule and disdain! Anyone hung on the cross was considered as a robber, and would be seen as an outcast. Jesus Christ was mocked while on the Cross. Your cross-bearing could be in terms of affliction, persecution, witch-hunting, name calling, etc. Don’t be discouraged; without the price, there cannot be prize! Keep bearing the cross daily.
Friend, self-denial and cross-bearing may not be palatable, but it has eternal rewards. Counting the cost will help you to prepare for the challenges on the way to becoming His disciple. *SHALOM*