Persistence is the ability to hold on to a thing without a bit of reduction in the starting force until the desired result is obtained. Let me give you a vivid illustration about the word ‘persistence’. The blacksmith hitting a red-hot iron on a specific spot will eventually get the shape or size of his choice. A tree cutter cutting a standing tree with a cutlass on a particular spot will have it fall after some time. In the two scenarios painted above, it is neither a function of strength nor sharpness of the tool, but simple persistence and focus. The fact is that when you concentrate your resources (physical or spiritual) on a worthwhile venture, it will eventually produce the expected result.
It takes persistence for a closed heaven to be reopened and without it, valuable resources are not received from heaven. The case of Daniel whose answer to prayer was delayed for twenty-one days by the prince of Persia readily comes to mind. It will require a persistent man to get the reservoir of water within a portion of desert land. If Daniel had not persisted for extra twenty-one days, the answer would not have been received. Thank God for his persistence, and finally the answer came! If you can persist more, answers are coming to your questions. For a double portion of anointing to come, persistence must back up the burning desire for it. Elisha was aggressively persistent to receive the double fold of Elijah’s anointing, and he got it. Persistence secures a righteous man’s crown from being taken by another! A persistent prayer, in the right direction, will definitely attract a response from heaven. The parable of the persistent widow, in Luke 18:2-8, further gives a good analogy of what it means to be persistent in life. In fact, the king was so wicked that he himself knew that he neither feared God nor regarded men. Persistence was the master key that got the widow justice from the unjust king. “And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them?” Luke 18:7.
Friend, is there anything you have been trusting God for, but it appears it is not coming forth? I implore you to continually and persistently ask Him. Always remember that God may be working on your case offline, so you may not be able to monitor Him online! Let your faith be strong enough to receive your miracle which is very much around the corner. If you are still a sinner, repent of your perverse ways and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. Be informed that you cannot be in the premises and be claiming God’s promises. SHALOM