Test of True Love

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

Test of True Love

Love is beyond verbal expressions between two or more persons, it is not just in feelings but in action. It is worrisome that a girl’s head begins to ‘swell’ when a boy begins to tell her “I love you.” The gospel truth is that true love does not reflect only in what you say but in what you do. Love is not theoretical but simply practical! Relationship, friendship, companionship, etc. thrives on love. Any relationship that will stand the test of time must be based on the agape love, also known as unconditional love. Today, we shall be looking at the characteristics and true test of love.

Love was mentioned as the first among the nine fruit of the Spirit in the book of Galatians 5:22-23. Apostle Paul, in his epistle to the church at Corinth, gave certain tests of love (1Corinthians 13:4-8). Interestingly, some of these tests were captured in the fruit of the spirit; joy (rejoices in truth), long suffering, kindness, gentleness (not provoked). Joy unspeakable is a test and an indicator of love in any human relationship. When there is love in marital relationship, the joy that comes with it is unquantifiable. The joy does not emanate from when there is abundance to eat or give. Fear, worry and anxiety is far from where true love exists! Reflect and look inward on any kind of relationship you are into, and ask yourself: ‘am I joyful?’ Another test of love is longsuffering, which is a measure of one’s patience and ability to withstand offences. It shows how easily and readily one forgives another and moves on in life. There is no how one will not err against another in any relationship, but longsuffering makes one to overlook. Kindness is also one of the tests of love, this means showing goodness to one another. True love is devoid of wickedness! The contemporary world is full of wickedness coated with superficial love. Imagine teenage boys deceiving young girls, luring and killing them for money ritual purposes. Lastly, true love is gentle and not easily provoked. This is premised on how disagreement and misunderstanding are handled in relationship. True love is not harsh or hard on its recipients but gentle in its approach.

Friend, you cannot know true love if you don’t have the true love in your life. Give your heart to Jesus Christ today, He loves you and died for your sins. The Bible says *“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends”* (John 15:13). As Valentine Day would be celebrated tomorrow, remember to put every love to test. God bless you. SHALOM

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