Many people don’t know they live presumptuously, because it is a subtle and an easily besetting sin. To be presumptuous simply means to be confidently assuming, overly forward or excessively bold. It is an adjective used to refer to someone who appears to be rude or arrogant because of their self-conceit, entitled or overfamiliar behaviour. Unfortunately, presumptuous life is rampant in the present day church.
The scripture lists presumptuousness as one of the activities of the old man – the flesh. *“But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities”* (2Pet. 2:10). When David prayed in Psalms 19:13, to be delivered from presumptuous sin, it was with an understanding that he did so. Presumptuous life is dangerous, and can lead one to destruction. Every Christian needs to sincerely evaluate his or her life to ensure that there is no trace of presumptuousness in him or her. The indices or traits of a presumptuous life are many, but few of them are highlighted here. The first is arrogance and self-conceit. Presumptuous persons are arrogant and always think their opinion is always right. Do you sweep other people’s ideas under the carpet, while only yours is upheld? This category of people would go any length to ensure that their decision finds expression at the expense of others. They always like to have their say and way in every matter! The second is needless criticism and fault-finding. Presumptuousness can manifest through a fault-finding attitude. This kind of people will only be interested in finding fault in everyone, in everything and at every opportunity. They never see something good in someone’s effort, as good enough for them. They are judgmental and criticize everyone, except themselves. *“Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye”* (Matt. 7:5). The third is pride and hypocrisy. Presumptuous people are pretentious and display holier-than-thou attitude. They speak and act as though they are more righteous than others when in practice, they are willful and sinful (Isa. 65:5). The fourth is overrating oneself. You are being presumptuous when you put up a false identity before others, by impetuously projecting and promoting yourself. Stop faking who you are not!
Friend, check your life today. Are you caught up in the web of presumptuous sin? Repent genuinely from the sin and make God’s word the compass for your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you and make a conscious effort to break free from the grip of presumptuousness. *Happy New Month*.