His Token of Help

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

His Token of Help

In life, everybody needs help at one time or the other; regardless of age, race, status or social class. There is no ‘Mr. has it all’; I mean nobody was born to live without needing anybody. It is true that the help needed by someone differs from another, but nobody lives as an island. The help needed by an individual may be financial, emotional, spiritual, physical, material, and so on.

It is very important for somebody to identify the person who can help him or her. Looking for help or expecting help where there is none could be highly disappointing and very frustrating. Many people have felt rejected and abandoned when the much anticipated help of man failed. The fact is that no man has the capacity to help a fellow man without the divine input. Therefore, when you need help, it is better to turn your face to God who is the source of all forms of help. Little wonder, king David said in Psalms 121:1-2 *“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.”* You may have relatives, friends or colleagues etc., in highly placed positions; but that does not necessarily translate to getting help from them. It will interest you to know that even those in the corridor of power need help from time to time. Therefore, I charge you to stay focused on God, the source of all help. *“Thus says the Lord: Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord”* (Jer. 15:5). Where do you turn to for help? Instead of looking abroad for help, look above! Like promotion, help does not come from the North, East or West; help comes from God only. The woman whose son was killed for food during famine in the land of Samaria cried unto the king for help. The king who fully well understood his limitation responded: *“… if the Lord does not help you, where can I find help for you? ...”* (2Kgs. 6:27). The ‘movers and shakers’ of this world cannot help you if the Lord does not help you. I hereby declare by the unction from heaven: from today, begin to receive every help that has eluded you until this time in Jesus mighty name! Now, help will come to you from Zion in Jesus name!

Friend, the token of God’s help is always available; however, it is accessible to only His children. You need to accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ for the divine help to flow to you ceaselessly. If you are already born again, keep trusting God for help. God bless you richly. *SHALOM*

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