Lack of the knowledge of God that one worships amounts to time-wasting. In Acts 17, Apostle Paul was addressing very religious men of Athens and berated them for worshipping the unknown god. Although, the Almighty God is unsearchable, He expects His children to have good knowledge of Him. As believers, the blessings we receive from God is a function of the depth of His knowledge we have. Prophet Daniel said “But the people who know their God shall be strong, and do great exploits” (Dan. 11:32b). Destruction is the portion of anyone who lacks the knowledge of God. In Hosea 4:6, God said “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”
The truth is that we can never know God too much! Perhaps, that is why Paul the Apostle remarked in Philippians 3:10 “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection...” Knowing God begins with a deep revelation of His dear Son, Jesus Christ. Revelation is the unfolding of mystery and the making known of that which is hidden, secret and unknown. The Church is founded on the revelation of Christ to men. The essence of Christianity is the revelation of Christ in us and through us to the lost world. Behold, what God will not reveal, man cannot receive! God the Father, reveals Himself to us through His word. The word of God still remains His main instrument of revealing, unfolding, disclosing and bringing men into the revelation of His person and will. However, we are not talking about the letter (logo), but the inspired word by His Spirit (rhema). The Bible says the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. The revelational knowledge of God’s word is the unfolding of His truth beyond ordinary black and white of the scripture. It is the breaking of the egg shell of letters that the living inner yolk of the word may emerge. This simply means the removal of the veil that covers the word!
There are many ways to receiving the word of God. These include: Understanding – this is the ability to have in-depth knowledge of God’s word. Meditation – this means to ponder on a word of God until you receive its in-depth meaning. Open eyes – this refers to enlightenment of the eyes of our understanding (Eph. 1:18). Holy Spirit – this is the revealer of truth and Christ. As you go this day, I charge you to desire to know God more and more. (To be contd.) God bless you. SHALOM