In one of his excerpts, Watchman Nee wrote “Brothers, every time we speak or move, God wants us to forsake ourselves, drop ourselves, deny all our abilities and acknowledge that we can say nothing and do nothing apart from His help; God wants us to trust in Him in this way.” This is a clear reminder that God wants every Christian to absolutely depend on Him at all times and in every situation. He wants you to always put your trust in Him and never trust in your own supposed human wisdom, ability or power in times of challenges. He wants you to live a life that is absolutely dependent on Him because seeking self-help is dangerous.
Self-help shifts your focus away from God and places it on people or other things. It makes you forget God’s power, provision and precious promises for your life. It makes you prayerless, anxious, faithless; and the repercussion is usually grievous. It incurs God’s displeasure, makes you vulnerable to satanic attacks and can lead to backsliding and consequently eternal doom. At one point or the other in their lives, some saints of old exhibited self-help when trying to overcome certain challenges in their lives. For instance, Sarah’s decision to give her maid to Abraham and his agreement in their bid to have a son outside God’s plan eventually proved disastrous. Today, humanity is suffering from the consequences of their decision. King David trusted, relied and depended so much on God that he said “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help. My help comes from the Lord, which made heaven and earth” (Psalms 121:1-2). Friend, it pays to expect your help from above and not from abroad! Stop looking for help from where there is none. If we all sincerely turn to God and seek His help, He will remove the plague of afflictions from our land. At least, it is now crystal clear that the so-called world powers have failed to stop the rampaging Covid-19 pandemic.
Are you living in self-help or suffering from its consequences? Don’t try to manage the situation by patching up things. Cry out to God in repentance, confess your impotence and weakness to Him. Ask for His help in your area of need. Don’t forget that you can do nothing without Him, no matter how talented you are or how much you try! The help you need will locate you this week. Happy New Month! God bless you. SHALOM