The kingship position is highly revered, coveted, and honoured because it comes with power , panache, authority and elan. A king does not need to leave his throne before he makes a decree that will be binding on any matter or anyone within his domain. Little wonder, king Solomon said: *“Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, what doest thou?”* (Eccl. 8:4).
In the Old Testament, there was a prophetic declaration by Prophet Zechariah about the royalty and kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ. *“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee …”* (Zech. 9:9). In Matthew 21:1-5, reference was made to this prophecy which was fulfilled at Bethphage, near Jerusalem. The triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem heralded Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords. It is usually a rare privilege for a king to leave his throne and visit someone, let alone Jesus Christ coming to the people and inhabitants of Jerusalem. Jesus Christ sat and rode upon an ass with the aura and paraphernalia of the heavenly King. A great multitude spread their garments in the way, while others cut down branches from trees, and threw them on the way. The multitude following Jesus were shouting in their loud voice: *“Hossana to the Son of David: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hossana in the highest”* (Matt. 21:9).
Beloved, there is no controversy that, Jesus is the King Who was, Who is and Who is to come! Even when He was a baby, wise men paid Him homage, made obeisance unto Him, and gave Him precious gifts. As a grown up, His words came with so much power and authority that demons and unclean spirits fled at His command. His rulership transcends this world, because all powers in heaven, on earth or underneath the earth have been given to Him. Jesus Christ is a King with a difference! He surrendered His glory, power and authority to the will of His heavenly Father. He made Himself of no reputation for the sake of His mission on earth. He gave His life to bring redemption and reconciliation to the condemned and dying world. He died so that you and I may have eternal life; what a King with the heart of love! Can the king of your town die in your stead?
Friend, Jesus Christ is coming one day as the King and Judge of all. Will He meet you as a worthy child of His heavenly Kingdom? Repent and amend your ways today, and always be prepared to meet with your King. God bless you. Happy Easter celebrations to the Cedar household. *PEACE*