Holiness is God’s nature, and it is the very essence of His being. It is noteworthy that His holiness sets Him distinctively apart from man. However, He calls everyone that professes to be His child to this life of holiness. God demands holiness in every aspect of human life, including relationships and marriage. This is the prerequisite to enjoying His blessings here on earth and later in eternity.
Prior to marriage or even when we are married, He expects us to preserve the sanctity of marriage and keep ourselves pure. *“Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge”* (Heb. 13:4). It is a pity that many so-called Christians are defiling themselves by engaging in premarital sex or sexual relationship outside wedlock. If they do not repent and forsake this sinful habit, God’s judgement is looming on them. Solomon, the wisest king who ever lived, said: *“My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings”* (Prov. 4:20). If you are unmarried, it is crucial that you abstain from sexual immorality, so that you can enjoy God’s blessings in your marriage. To avoid heartache, do not give your heart away to a man that you have not married! Do not visit your fiancé or fiancée at ungodly hours, do not meet behind closed doors, secluded places or in the dark. Do not pass the night in his room or her apartment. *Abstain from all appearances of evil* (1Thess. 5:22). Keep yourself pure by taking heed to the scriptural warning about impurity and infidelity in marriage.
Are you tempted on every side to compromise? Study and meditate on God’s word daily, it will constantly renew your mind and keep your feet from the path of sin (Ps. 119: 11). In addition to keeping yourself pure, start preparing for marriage by way of praying ahead thoroughly. Marriage is a permanent contract signed for life, and God frowns at disengagement of its contractual terms. Pray that God should lead and direct your would-be husband or wife to you. Do not run ahead of Him or choose by sight alone; carry God along in your decision and marital choice. When Abraham requested the eldest of his servants to go and search for a wife for Isaac, he prayed to God for direction. God granted him the speed he asked for and the kindness he requested for his master, Abraham (Gen. 24:10-52).
Finally, note that purity of life begins at the point of salvation. Living or maintaining a pure life is not possible without being a born again Christian. If you have doubt about your status in Christ, you need to confess and forsake your sins, and accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. God bless you.