Geographically, season is defined as each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) characterized by typical weather patterns and daylight hours; resulting from the earth’s changing position with regard to the sun. Scripturally, season is identified with and attributed to time and purpose. “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) In other words, God has ordained a reason for any season at any particular period of time. A due date or time means the maturation and manifestation time has come!
By God’s definition, season is not measured by man’s calendar. For instance, when He promised Abraham, at 75 years, that he would give birth to Isaac; Sarah should be around 65 years old. Thus, based on human calendar, Sarah had already passed her due season of child-bearing. Little wonder, she laughed while the Angels of God were delivering the divine message of the promised child to her husband. Amazingly, Abraham and Sarah were around 100 years and 90 years old respectively when their due season came. I pray for you today, regardless of your present situation, that God will lift you into your due season in Jesus’ name. Just a little more time spent by Hannah at Shiloh brought her due season. Her story changed dramatically, as she who was once labeled barren became a fecund mother of six. The Ark of God’s covenant which stayed for just three months under the roof of Mephibosheth was all he needed to be launched into his due season of financial prosperity. I pray once again that your story is changing as your due season comes in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Protocols are broken for a man whose due season has come! “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings…” (Daniel 2:21). Friend, don’t give up serving the Lord for any reason. In addition, continue to show kindness and goodness to people that come your way. The scripture says “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (Galatians 6:9).
There is a time to sow and there is a season to harvest. Your season of harvest of breakthrough and blessing is nearer than ever, continue to hold unto God’s promises. He makes all things beautiful in His time and season! However, you need to be like the children of Issachar who have the understanding of times and seasons. Be spiritually discerning and sensitive, so that you can adequately prepare to enter your due season. God bless you richly. SHALOM