We started this very crucial series last week, where it was mentioned that hell is real and it is a place for the unrepentant sinners. The flesh was discussed as the first among the three gateways to hell. “For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world.” (1John 2:16). The series continues today as we consider the second gateway to hell. May the Lord open our spiritual eyes and grant us understanding.
According to 1 John 2:16, the eye is another gateway to committing sins, which consequently leads one to hell. Naturally, the eyes are needed for sight, observation and appraisal. For instance, at creation, God saw that everything He created was good. Nowadays, we live in a mobile and digital world where trending happenings and live events are relayed as ‘breaking news’. The social media is replete with a lot of mind-polluting and temptation-laden audio-visuals packaged in form of advert, fashion, entertainment, etc. The fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was due to unguarded sight. “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes…” (Gen. 3:6). The consequence was the opening of their eyes and knowing that they were naked. Perhaps, the so-called ‘civilization’ in the world today emanated from the eating of the ‘forbidden fruit’. In this perverse generation, the human eye captures a lot of unholy scenes which when further processed by the brain eventually result into sin. Our eyes are supposed to be useful in making informed decision in the right direction. It is expected that people who can see should be able to avoid danger on their ways. However, the devil has been consistently succeeding in luring millions of people to hell through what they see! Job said he had made a covenant with his eyes; but he then rhetorically asked “…Why then should I look upon a young woman?” (Job 31:1). Have you made covenant with your eyes not to visit porn sites, look at immoral pictures or scantily dressed ladies and videos? Jesus said it is better to make heaven without the offending eye, rather than going to hell with the whole body (Mark 9:47).
The simple truth is that what you see determines what you get in life. You need to catch and develop good vision about your desired future. In the midst of the worldly perversion, dare to be different and stand out! Do not consent to the enticement of sins and the sinners. Be precisely determined and conscious of what you watch or look at, even while in the church! God bless you richly. Happy New Month. (To be concerned) PEACE