This week, we shall examine briefly the outlets through which perversion manifests itself. Perverse people are known by their words or conversations, conducts, dressing, associations, and worldviews, among others. These manifestations are not peculiar to non-christians, even many professed christians often exhibit these traits, sometimes impulsively and consciously in most cases. Let us not forget the words of Jesus: “by their fruits ye shall know them?” (Matt. 7:20)
Words are powerful, and they flow from the heart (Luke 6:45). An individual’s life is shaped by his/her confessions and belief system. Remember the command: “keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23). Why? A perverse generation is dishonest, unreliable, corrupt, unedifying, arrogant, vain, evil, malicious, blasphemous, and unholy in all manner of speech and conversation. Such communications are capable of polluting the uninformed and those who are spiritually insensitive. Thus, the Bible cautions against dangerous conversations of crooked people because “evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Cor. 15:33). Conduct has to do with our attitudes, actions, responses and ways of life generally. The perverse generation is ungodly and sinful in its conduct and counsel (Ps. 1:1). The perverse people often pretend or claim that they know God, “but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient and unto every good works reprobate” (Titus 3:16). Apostle Paul describes this “pseudo godliness” as “having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof” (2 Tim. 3:5). The Bible mentions other “perverse” conducts, best described as a catalogue of unrighteousness, manners and life style (1 John 5:17a).
Perversion also manifests in our association. In a social context, associations are made up of friends and collaborators who often come together to pursue a common goal, based on common ideologies or shared values. The scripture describes associates and friends as perverse when their counsel is “ungodly”, their gathering “sinful” and their views “scornful” (Psa. 1:1). The kind of friends we hang-out or associate with often reveal our ethics, etiquette, value system, and ultimately our tendency towards perversion or compliance with God’s ways and commandments. Remember, God’s verdict on such gathering or association is clear: “I hated the congregation of evildoers” (Psa. 26:5), “…and a companion of fools shall be destroyed” (Prov. 13:20). As we go into the week today, please, don’t play the fool (To be contd.).