Faith is an age long phenomenon, which has been in existence since the creation of the world. In reality, it is the power through which everything was created by God. The scripture says: *“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear”* (Heb. 11:3).
Hebrews chapter eleven is replete with patriarchs and matriarchs of old who wrought the miraculous through the instrumentality of faith. Miracles happened more frequently in the olden times, because there was absolute reliance on the word of God. In our present days, many people trivialize faith, as they tend to depend more on what they can see and feel, as well as in the knowledge of technology than trusting God. Nowadays, a lot of people believe in the reports of men than the word of God. The faith as of old does not depend on expertise or evidence. Rather, it relies on what God says. Faith is put to action when a believer does not depend on any other power than God’s. Simon Peter and his team had toiled all night without a catch, despite using all their technical and professional knowledge as fishermen. Coming to the scene, Jesus Christ instructed them to launch into the deep, and to let down their net for a draught. By faith, Peter remarked, *“… nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net”* (Lk. 5:5). He neither argued with Jesus nor queried His authority; he followed His instruction, and the result was too amazing.
Abraham, the father of faith, never asked God about the description of the land that He was going to show him, before he departed Haran. Similarly, he was not bothered about the object of sacrifice, when he was asked to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Obedience to God and His words is foundational to building your faith and putting it to use. Faith has a direct relationship with the word of God! *“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”* (Rom. 10:17). Whose report do you want to hear and believe? It is unfortunate that many Christians today prefer to hear the words of men and women like themselves. They prioritized mere mortal beings as their role models, and tend to emulate their ways of life. The people of old derived pleasure in knowing God by meditating on His word, and following through with Him. Faith still works the miraculous in our present times, but the children of God only need to put their total trust and confidence in Him.
Beloved, God does not change His operational standards, principles and process. If we relate with God by faith as of old, we will definitely get the result they got in their times. God bless you richly.