Bethel has its etymology from the Bible and it is dated back to the Abrahamic era. Specifically, it has its root from the Hebrew word, which is spelt as BETH-el but pronounced nowadays as Bethel. In the Bible, Bethel was the name given to the spot where Abraham pitched his tent and built an altar for God. However, Bethel means the House of God and the Gate of Heaven. Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, later had a revelation of God at the same Bethel (previously called Luz) in the land of Canaan (Genesis 28:18-19). This encounter happened when Jacob was fleeing from the wrath of his brother, Esau, whom he robbed of his birthright. There he saw, in a dream, a ladder reaching the earth from heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. When Jacob was awake, he acknowledged his ignorance of God's presence in that place. He immediately built an altar there for God; like his grandfather, Abraham, did. He also called the name of the place El Bethel (Genesis 28:1-22).
This 10th Anniversary and Maiden Convention theme, O Lord, God of Bethel!, is very significant to the Christian life. It is, therefore, very imperative for every child of God to have a good understanding of the God of Bethel. In this piece, I will be expounding on the spiritual connotations of the place named Bethel, using Jacob's experience as a case study. Bethel is a place of solitude and intimacy with God! Jacob came to Luz alone and slept that night, oblivious of the divine encounter that awaited him. If you want God to reach out to you, you must cultivate the attitude of being in solitude. Avoid every form of distraction and hindrance to hearing God. Embrace personal retreat, patiently and quietly waiting on God for direction. God did not speak to Jacob, in that divine revelation, until he was alone that night at Bethel. In addition, you must develop a passionate and an intimate relationship with God. Go beyond the level of surface knowledge of God, know Him deeply. Stop being a shallow-rooted Christian. Bethel is a place of affirmation of trans- generational promise! In Genesis 28:13-14, the Lord stood above the ladder and said: "I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants." When God uses the word "I am", He is committing His personality and sovereignty into such a matter. What an awesome experience it is for God to arise and step into one's situation! God affirmed His promise of trans-generational blessings to Jacob, as He did to Abraham and Isaac. I pray that God will arise and attend to your case today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Bethel is a place of assurance of God's presence! "Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you" (Gen. 28:15). It is eternally rewarding for a man to have assurance of God's presence, Prophet Moses understood the importance of having the presence of God with him always. Hear him speak: "And he said unto Him, if thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence" (Exodus 33:15). The whole essence of man should be to regularly and always attract God's presence. Bethel is a place of reference and remembrance! God spoke to Jacob at another time, when he was serving Laban, his uncle. While speaking to him, He remembered and made reference to his experience at Bethel. "I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to Me. Now arise, get out of this land, and return to the land of your family" (Genesis 31:13). It is a place of reference and remembrance unto God, because an altar and a vow were involved. Jacob raised an altar and made a vow unto God, who does not break covenant. In other words, there was a divine mutual agreement between God and Jacob. Beloved, God is always committed to vows and covenants, He does not renege on agreements! Do you desire a divine and supernatural encounter in your situation? Why not make a vow to the Lord? However, when you vow unto Him, ensure you fulfill your part. Bethel is a place of comfort and succor from distress! "Then God said to Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel and dwell there; and make an altar there to God, who appeared to you when you fled from the face of Esau your brother" (Genesis 35:1). In verse 3, Jacob told his household that they should all arise and go up to Bethel; and he would make an altar there to God, who answered him in the day of his distress. Are you perturbed and disturbed by the vicissitudes of life? You need the Bethel experience, come to Bethel!
Finally, Bethel is a place of spiritual transaction! At a later time in Genesis 35.9. 10. Jacob had another dramatic divine encounter at Bethel. God appeared unto him and blessed him; and changed his name from Jacob to Israel. In that encounter, Jacob's name was retrieved by God who gave him a new name 'Israel'. Jacob means a supplanter while Israel means one who wrestled with God and prevailed. God needs to change certain things about you, in order for you to access His blessings. However, it requires your willingness, readiness and co- operation with God. Look retrospectively, what is that thing that must be changed in your life? Arise today and be open to God for change, and experience His presence. God has promise us that people will have the Bethel experience during this convention, will you be one of them? I pray that the God of Bethel will show up for you. I welcome you to your Mount Bethel! God bless you.