Raise an Altar

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

Raise an Altar

The altar is very important for attracting God’s presence or power, as well as living a triumphant life. It is a place of covenant, commitment, dedication, and consecration unto God. The church altar is not just an elevated platform or stage where ministrations are done, it is a place of divine encounter. It is quite unfortunate that many Christians trivialize the altar and desecrate the pulpit. However, the pagans understand the need for having shrines, where they ceaselessly pour libations to their gods.

The altar is a place of regular and consistent communion and fellowship with the living God. The altar works wonders in mysterious and unfathomable ways; it may look common, but it is endowed with unimaginable powers. After Jacob’s supernatural encounter on Mount Bethel, he raised an altar for God! *“Then Jacob rose early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put at his head, set it up as a pillar, and poured oil on top of it”* (Genesis 28:18). The stone he set up as a pillar was a symbolism of the altar raised for God. Thereafter, he worshipped God by pouring oil on the pillar. Whenever you experience the miraculous, it is needful that you raise an altar of praise and thanksgiving unto God. Altar can also be raised for God in form of prayer, giving, commitment, etc. Altar can be raised unto God for different reasons and purposes. It can be raised for reference, remembrance, acknowledging God’s presence, etc. Jacob raised the altar for God as a memorial and made a vow unto Him (Genesis 28:20-22). When you committedly raise an altar for God, you are putting Him to memorial. God does not forget any relationship or appointment involving an altar! This partly explains why you must not be coming late to church. God’s angels will always be on ground to share blessings among the congregants or carry their requests to heaven. Thus, late comers will be missing a lot; because nobody knows his or her time of divine visitation. May you not be absent when God visits you in Jesus name. Beloved, stop the habit of coming late to church! The altar you raise can destroy the altar of the devil established against your life, family and work. *“… the altar of Baal was cast down, and the grove was cut down that was by it …”* (Judges 6:28).

Finally, the altar is a place of sacrifice and this entails commitment, love and giving. You cannot love if you don’t give! Friend, the best gift you can give, to show you love God, is your heart. You need to present your body as a living sacrifice on the altar of holiness. Accept His Lordship today! Shalom.

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