No one was born to live as an island in this world. In every endeavour, you need someone to help you achieve your goal or reach your destination in life. Spiritually, life is replete with constant battle with the devil who wants to devour his prey. Apostle Peter captures his activity in 1Peter 5:8, which says “… because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring loin, seeking whom he may devour.” I am glad to inform you that he is just roaring like a lion, he is not a lion. But you need a friend in the Lion of the tribe of Judah to keep away that toothless roaring lion.
The devil works through various avenues to achieve his mission. He orchestrates sin, sickness, calamity, failure, discouragement, etc. In no time, such a person withdraws himself from the assembly of the brethren or company of the believers. This is a major tactic the enemy employs to derail many people and lure them into his kingdom. Little wonder, there have been many cases of depression leading to suicide, drug abuse, alcoholism, etc. You need the help of a friend whose strength is infinitely greater than the power of your formidable foe. That friend is Jesus Christ who, out of His undying love, died for your sins. “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13). He bore your pains, grief and shame on the cross of Calvary. He is a friend of inestimable value because His love is unparalled and incomparable. He wants to stay closer to you than your biological father or known best friend can ever be. That is why in Matthew 11:28, He gave an open invitation to everyone under the yoke and burden of life - “Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Beloved, what are you passing through right now that you are thinking of seeking alternatives? Ponder on the capacity of Jesus Christ who called unto you to come to Him. Yield to His invitation today because He is the only reliable, dependable and trustworthy friend that I know.
Lazarus was dead for four days, but he was raised to life when his friend, Jesus Christ, got to his grave. As long as you live, you still have hope of coming out of that situation or condition victoriously. Don’t throw in the towel, keep trusting Him! To enjoy the friendship of Jesus, you need to quit every unprofitable friendship with the world. Make Him your best friend today and begin to experience the divine dividends of intimacy with Him. God bless you real good! PEACE.