Conquer to Recover II

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

Conquer to Recover II

Last week, it was established that to become a conqueror, one must conquer; and to conquer, there must be a conquest. No individual becomes a champion in life without fighting any battle. In other words, champions are made! However, we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us (Rom. 8:37). Furthermore, it is very vital to know that divine enquiry leads to total recovery.

Divine conquest is a battle and warfare involving God; therefore, it is not fought with physical weapons. *“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling of strong holds”* (2Cor. 10:4). Spiritual battle requires divine strategies which are often devoid of logic or common sense. In 1Samuel 30:1-20, David employed wisdom as a divine strategy in locating the Amalekites and recovering all from them. What did he do? He simply fed the feeble Egyptian found in the field, and he provided the information needed by David and his men. Wisdom is a potent spiritual strategy for fighting and winning the battles of life. Prior to the event in the above scripture, David used a divine strategy to kill Goliath and recover the honour snatched from the Israelites. He presented his score card and testimonies detailing some divine exploits he did as a shepherd boy (1Sam. 17:34-37). Can you recall any of the Lord’s wondrous acts in your life? Your testimonies will make your enemies to shiver, and either run away or suffer defeat. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; … (Rev. 12:11). You become more confident and stronger in faith when you share your testimonies. *“Then David said to the Philistine, thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts …”* (1Sam. 17:45). The spiritual strategy God gave to Joshua, when the Israelites wanted pass through the walled and fortified city of Jericho, sounded stupid. However, the wall of Jericho crumbled when the Israelites followed the divine instructions (Joshua 6:1-21). If you want to reclaim your stolen territories, you need to apply divine strategies as God will be leading and guiding you.

Friend, you can conquer the enemy and recover all that has been taken away from you. As you develop and grow in personal intimacy with God, He will be fighting your battles and defend you. If you are yet to be identified with Him, accept His Lordship today and enjoy divine victory. God bless you richly. (Concluded). *SHALOM*

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