Rely on God

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

Rely on God

In our fast-paced world, it is easy to rely on human wisdom and strength to navigate life’s challenges. We often look to the experts and leaders, or even ourselves for answers. The human insight may have its place, but the Bible reminds us that our ultimate trust should be in God.

*“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man”* (Ps.118:8). This scripture captures the essence of what it means to rely on God. Human beings are fallible, and even the wisest among us can make mistakes. God, on the other hand, is infallible, all-knowing, and ever-present. He sees the bigger picture, while our vision is limited and restricted. Think about the times you had faced uncertainties, and you sought advice from friends, read books, or consulted experts. While these can be helpful, they are not fool proof. Human opinions are often shaped by personal experiences, biases, and limited understanding. When we rely solely on human counsel, we may miss out on the perfect guidance that comes from God. *“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight”* (Prov. 3:5-6). Fear and mistrust overcame the Israelites when they found themselves stranded between the Egyptian army pursuing them and the Red Sea. They started to doubt the leadership of Moses and felt that they were doomed to have left Egypt. But Moses pleaded with them to put their faith in God: *“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still”* (Exo. 14:14). The deliverance of the Israelites was a result of supernatural intervention rather than human. This narrative is a potent reminder that we should turn to God instead of panicking or depending only on human answers when we feel overwhelmed, helpless, or hopeless. When faced with His impending crucifixion, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, surrendering His will to the Father’s. *“Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done”* (Lk. 22:42). Jesus, fully human and fully divine, knew the importance of submitting to God’s will rather than relying on His own understanding or desires. This ultimate act of trusting God and obeying Him led to the salvation of mankind, by the death of Jesus on the cross of Calvary.

When we choose to trust in God over man, we align ourselves with His perfect will. This does not mean we should ignore wise counsel or the value of human relationships. Instead, it means recognizing that God’s wisdom surpasses all human understanding. By placing our confidence in Him, we are assured that He will guide us through every situation, providing us with the help and direction needed. Are you relying on God or man? Happy new month! *SHALOM*

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