Time is generally defined as measurement of how long a process or an event takes to be completed. This is a chronological (chronos) definition of time as explained in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. “… A time to be born, and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted …” However, it must be noted that God does not view time the way man sees it. God’s time is known as kairos, which is strictly measured by purpose.
The Bible says “… the race is not to the swift, … nor favour to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all” (Ecclesiastes 9:11). The above scripture reveals that, obtaining favour is not a function of skill, expertise, education, etc. The Psalmist understood that favour is divinely ordained and programmed into a particular time, called ‘the set time’ i.e. kairos. “You will arise and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favour her; yes, the set time, has come” (Psalms 102:13). The Bible uses certain nomenclatures to describe ‘the set time’. These include: the appointed time, the prescribed time, and the acceptable time. When it is one’s set time of divine visitation, protocols are broken and the unimaginable happens. Sarah had long passed child-bearing age when the set time to favour her came. Little wonder, she laughed when she received the angelic declaration. “For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him” (Genesis 21:2). Friend, instead of getting frustrated by counting time in terms of years, why don’t you ask God to bring your set time of favour? Job prayed a simple payer in the book of Job 14:13, “… That You would appoint me a set time, and remember me!” The set time of favour is a time of remembrance! When the Israelites were to be liberated from the Hamanic plot, God made king Ahasuerus lose his sleep. God is still in the business of changing times and seasons for His children. Regardless of your present situation, He can bring turn-around as you are launched into your set time of favour. When it is time for God to favour you, He redeems time and restores everything for you speedily. When He brings you into your kairos, you worry less on issues of life.
Beloved, God’s time to favour is sure and will certainly come to pass; but you have to patiently wait on Him. Remember that the time is set by Him; therefore, nobody can reset or adjust the time by himself or herself. Trust Him more and walk with Him righteously. May you enter into your kairos now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God bless you. SHALOM.