The Arm of the Lord

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

The Arm of the Lord

The arm is a symbol of vigour, strength, power and productivity. The arm of the Lord connotes exploits, signs and wonders. Physically, the arm of a man can only be seen wherever that man goes. In same way, the arm of the Lord is seen wherever His manifest presence is. In order words, there is manifestation of God’s presence by the outstretch of His arm. However, man must believe in the reality of the acts of God. Likewise, man must have clear discernment, revelation and understanding of the workings of God. “Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?” (Isaiah 53:1).

The magicians in Egypt called the attention of king Pharaoh to the fact that the plagues brought upon the land was as a result of the finger of God. Can you imagine? The calamity that befell the Egyptians did not even result from the fingers but the finger of God. What if God had stretched forth His entire arm? “Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, ‘This is the finger of God’. But Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, just as the Lord had said.” (Exodus 8:19). Unfortunately, Pharaoh neither yielded to the divine signs nor the warnings of the magicians. Consequently, the Egyptians were afflicted by the plagues; while many lives were eventually lost in the process. It took supernatural intervention to save the life of Balaam, the mercenary prophet, hired to go and curse the people of Israel. The angel of God was standing on his way with sword, but was divinely stopped by the horse he was riding. If God could give an animal revelation, how much more a man created in His image? A lot of believers have expectation for miracles without the spiritual capacity to receive. Friend, if you want to receive from God, you must believe and trust in His ability to perform it. The Israelites witnessed the arm of God in miraculous dimensions that cannot be fathomed but, they also fell to the hands of enemies whenever they disbelieved Him. Whose report do you believe about your life and situation? As you trust, believe and obey Him; you will experience the outstretch of His arm in every area of your life.

Beloved, the Lord is always ready to bring His arm to bear concerning your circumstances. Apart from unbelief, another thing preventing God from stepping into your case is your iniquity. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior today, and live a holy and righteous life. God bless you. Happy new month! Wishing the household of Cedar happy 9th Anniversary. SHALOM

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