Perverse Generation Part 4

Cedar Pastoral Charge Article

Perverse Generation Part 4

This week, we shall consider the characteristic traits of a perverse generation. These traits include: faithlessness and unbelief (Luke 9:41), corruption (Deut. 32:5), self-will, rebellion (Ps. 78:8), lusts and love of the world (I John 2:15; 2 Tim. 4:10), earthly wisdom, unbridled sensuality (James 3:13), argument and rationalism, defiled conscience and imaginations (Titus 1:15), adherence to traditions, rituals and vain philosophies (Col. 2:8; 18) falsehood and false teachings (2 Pet. 2:1,), heresies and false prophecies (Matt. 7:15), pleasure-seeking and ease (Isa. 58:3), pride and self-righteousness, among many others.

How applicable are these manifestations and characteristics to Christians and the entire Christendom? The truth is that church is gradually and steadily becoming worldly while the world is becoming churchy. How is the church different when the words, conversations, conducts, dressings, associations and worldviews of many of the modern-day Christians, especially the youths, are the same as those of the perverse generation? Therefore, the implication of this for the “professed christians” is that no one who is not “genuinely born again” and “vigilant in the spirit” is immune against the perversion of the present age and its systemic decadence. In this regard, Jesus noted pointedly: “by their fruits ye shall know them…”; not “every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.?” (Matt. 7:20-21). In other words, it does not matter whether you profess to be a Christian or servant of God, what matters is whether you are at peace with God, and the peace of God rules your heart. As a Christian, what is your relationship status with God? Are you perverse, stiff-necked, disobedient, heretic and indifferent in your lifestyle? Are you in love with the world?

The truth is that God is no respecter of man, neither is He partial in His stand against sin. It is not enough to profess allegiance to Christ, only in word and tongue; it is much more important to trust and obey God in all respects. Matthew Henry puts it convincingly, when he asserts that “It is necessary to our happiness that we believe in Christ, that we repent of sin, that we live a holy life, that we love one another. This is His will, even our sanctification.” Are your conduct and conversation in consonance with God and His ways, or is your life a manifestation of “perversion”? (To be contd.)

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