Today, we shall be considering the qualities of a streetwise apostle. Jesus said in Matt. 22:9 “Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage”. Streetwise apostles are ministers on the “highways of life” where others are busy buying and selling; pursuing their own agenda. The streetwise apostles are not restricted to the confines of the church. They may wear no collar but are committed to the great commission. They may bear no title but they have a testimony that attracts people to the Kingdom. They exert influence that expands the fold of Christ. They undertake every secular assignment with sacred principles. They seek for values where others pursue vanities.
Also, these people are essentially professionals who are sold out to God. Dorcas was a notable fashion designer of her time but served God with her profession. She silently touched lives and won more disciples for the Lord than many professed evangelists. Aquila and Priscilla were top-notch business moguls and renowned tent makers, but they were fire brand ministers that advanced the ministry of Apostle Paul (Acts 18:1-2; 18). They eventually discipled Apollos who became a co-labourer with Paul (Acts 18:24-26). Their influence on Apollos was so profound that he became a major influence in the early church planting and establishment (1 Cor. 3:4-5).
Many people are so ambitious and forget that they are here on earth as a representative of Christ in whatever they do. To be recognized as a streetwise apostle is to live a selfless life, which is a life of service to God and humanity. The apostles in the Bible understood this and they were committed to ensuring that the gospel reaches the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). No one can follow Jesus totally unless he learns how to live a selfless life. We are to share the good news not because it is easy but because we have been mandated to do so.
Beloved, just like the apostles of old, we have also been mandated to be relentless about sharing the gospel. It is my prayer for you today that the Lord will help you to be a Streetwise Apostle indeed in Jesus name. God bless you richly. (To be contd.)